Common Spiders In Tennessee
When spiders appear, it can be quite unexpected. We find them when we open boxes that were stored in the attic. We see them when we flip things over in the backyard. They surprise us when we slide the door or curtain open to climb into the shower. There is no shortage of ways these eight-legged pests can give us a spook. But their impact on our lives doesn't end with a simple scare. Some spiders bite. Here are a few of the common spiders we see in and around the Tennessee homes we service, and a few of the problems these arachnids can present.

American House Spiders
Parasteatoda tepidariorum
Threat: Low. Web maker. May cause itchy bite wounds.
In America, we call these spiders "common house spiders," because they are so common. But the rest of the world calls them American house spiders, and we have mostly adopted this name as well--though the American house spider can be found outside of America. In a house, this spider will create many webs to trap their meals. If you remove their webs regularly, you may be able to keep this spider hidden in your walls, most of the time.
Wolf Spiders
Hogna spp.
Threat: Medium. Creepy. May cause a painful bite.
Wolf spiders are big, hairy spiders that do not build webs, and they hunt their prey with great eyesight. If you get bitten by a wolf spider you may remember it. This spider can have a painful bite. But the venom of a wolf spider is of no medical importance to humans. Secondary issues can occur with wolf spider bites if they are not kept clean.
Cellar Spiders
Pholcus phalangioides
Threat: Low. Web maker. Creepy.
Often called a daddy long legs, there is actually some debate about this name being attached to this creepy cellar pest. The proper daddy-long legs is actually a harvestman, which is an arachnid, but not technically a spider. In your cellar, these spiders will simply be a nuisance pest. They are not medically important.
Zipper Spiders
Argiope aurantia
Threat: Low. Creepy. May cause a painful bite.
With its bold black and yellow coloring, this spider can give you quite a jump in your garden or around your flower beds. While they can bite humans, their venom is not poisonous to humans, and is not considered medically important. The webs of zipper spiders can appear overnight, and in unexpected places.
Orb-weaver Spider
Family Araneidae
Threat: Low. Creepy. Creates webs in outdoor areas. Bites may be painful, but rare.
These spiders are considered by many to be a beneficial creature. While their circular, Halloween-type, webs can be a nuisance when they are established in the wrong places, out of the way webs can be useful for catching large numbers of mosquitoes. However, it is important to note that orb-weaver spiders can't compete with mosquito abatement services. And abatement services aren't nearly as creepy.
Jumping Spiders
Salticidae spp.
Threat: Low. Jumps. Bites may be painful, but rare.
As you can probably guess, jumping spiders jump. Some jumping spiders have been documented to jump 25 times their height. This, and their thick, furry appearance, makes jumping spiders an unwelcome guest. Jumping spiders have great eyesight and hunt their prey. When humans are present, this spider will usually flee.
Brown Recluse
Loxosceles reclusa
Threat: High. Bites may be necrotic.
This spider has earned quite a reputation. We've all heard the horror stories of what the venom of a brown recluse can do. But brown recluse bites aren't always bad. In fact, only a small percentage of bites come with serious flesh necrosis. It is, however, best to not have these spiders on your property, just to be safe.
Southern Black Widows
Latrodectus mactans
Threat: High. May cause painful bite with severe symptoms.
These jet black spiders with their red hourglass marking can be a significant threat in and around a home. Their venom is very potent, and can cause severe symptoms when a bite occurs. This spider creates webs that are a tangled mess, so they can catch and consume large prey. It will often sit motionless in its web and wait for its meal.
If you need help controlling spiders on your Tennessee property, reach out to us today for immediate assistance and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Tennessee.
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