What are Zipper Spiders?

Zipper spiders are also known as yellow garden spiders. They have abdomens that are black and bright yellow, and their bodies are covered in silver hairs. These spiders can be quite large, with the females growing just over an inch in length. Males are much smaller, only growing to be a little over a quarter of an inch.
Zipper spiders create circular webs with an intricate white zigzag pattern in the center of it. The zigzag pattern is thought to help attract prey to the web and is how zipper spiders got their name. They eat a variety of bugs, including mosquitoes, flies, and gnats.
Are Zipper Spiders Dangerous?
Zippers spiders are not aggressive, but they may bite if they feel threatened or trapped. A bite from a zipper spider may sting and the area may become swollen and red. However, because their venom is quite weak, a bite should cause no serious issues for a healthy adult. In some rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur. In that case, it’s wise to seek medical attention.
When they are outdoors where they belong, zipper spiders are beneficial because they eat nuisance pests. They can help keep bug populations down around your yard.
Why Do I Have a Zipper Spider Problem?
Zipper spiders may build their webs in the corners of doorways, decks, and porches. When they set up their habitat so close to your house, they can become a nuisance as you enter or leave your home. Zipper spiders may also enter your home while searching for prey, especially in the fall. If they find a good food source inside, they may choose to stay inside.
How Do I Get Rid of Zipper Spiders?
The best way to get rid of zipper spiders from your home and property is with the help of a professional. At All-American Pest Control, we offer pest control services for zipper spiders through our Perimeter Plus Pest Control or Green Choice Pest Control programs.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Get Rid of Zipper Spiders Myself?
Trying to take care of pest problems on your own can be dangerous and ineffective, and it can cost you more time and money than you’re willing to spend. The safest and most effective way to eliminate a spider infestation is by getting help from a professional. If you need help getting rid of zipper spiders in or around your home, contact the professionals at All-American Pest Control today.
Why Choose All-American Pest Control?
With over 60 years of pest control experience, the experts at All-American know the time, effort and commitment it takes to solve your problems with spiders and other pests. We offer effective services, are committed to solving your pest problems, and deliver thorough treatments.
Whether you need services to get rid of zipper spiders in your house or are looking for pest control that will reduce pest populations outdoors that may be attracting zipper spiders to your property, All-American Pest Control has you covered. Check out our Perimeter Plus or Complete Care programs to see what we offer.
How can I prevent a zipper spider problem in the future?
Preventing zipper spiders can be difficult, but there are some things that you can do around your home to help deter and exclude them:
Make sure to seal all cracks and crevices found in your home’s foundation and exterior walls
Caulk any gaps found around exterior windows and doors
Check screens to make sure that they are all completely intact and replace any that are not
Ensure that trees and bushes are trimmed so that they don’t touch your home
Get outdoor pests that zipper spiders feed on under control with yard pest control
You can also contact us for spider control services in Nashville! We are ready to solve your zipper spider problem.