Arrington Pest Control Services For Homes And Businesses
Along with providing home pest control services and brown recluse spider control services, All-American Pest Control also provides:
- Termite control
- Fire ant reduction
- Mosquito reduction services
- Tick and flea yard treatments
- Commercial pest control services
About All-American Pest Control
All-American Pest Control Inc. has been serving the residents and business owners of Middle Tennessee since 1961. We proudly live and work in the area we serve, which means we truly understand the pest problems our customers face every day. Reliability, teamwork, and respect are core values that our employees believe and apply to every service we provide. Contact us today for more information about any of our pest control services or to schedule a free home evaluation.
Types Of Spiders In Arrington, Tennessee
Many different species of spiders can be found all across the United States. Some are harmless. Others are poisonous and pose a real threat to people. However, spiders are beneficial because they help reduce insect populations. Spiders typically live outdoors and can become a problem when they find their way indoors to find shelter from the heat during summer months or to find a warm place to live in the fall and winter. Spiders enter homes via garages, sheds and any other areas that allow easy access. Keeping your home and outbuildings secure can greatly reduce the chance of your property being invaded by spiders. The three most common types of spiders found in Tennessee are the common house spider, the black widow spider, and the brown recluse spider.
The common house spider is a nuisance spider. While they have the ability to bite, they rarely do and should not pose any danger to you, your family, or your pets. Common house spiders will enter areas like attics, basements, garages, closets, and sheds to seek shelter and search for prey. They will quickly create and abandon webs leaving them for you to find and clean up around your Arrington home. They are a yellowish to a brownish color with a dirty white abdomen and some dark spots on the top of their body. They range in size from 3/16 to 5/15 of an inch.
The black widow spider is a venomous spider. Black widows are glossy black in color with a distinct reddish/orange hourglass shape on their belly. Females can grow up to 1½ inches with their legs fully extended, males are about half the size of females. The black widow’s venom travels through the victim’s bloodstream and affects the nervous system. Symptoms include severe abdominal and back cramping, fever, tremors, and labored breathing. Symptoms will be much more severe in very young children, the elderly, or people with immune deficiencies. Black widow spiders can be found outdoors around the perimeter of your home in doorways, crawl spaces, and inside air conditioning units. Indoors, they are commonly found in closets, basements, garages, sheds, and underneath furniture.
The brown recluse is also venomous. It is found in every county of Tennessee and is a real threat to homeowners. Their elusive nature makes them difficult to find and eliminate. Brown recluse spiders are not aggressive and typically will only bite when startled or threatened. Their venom is very dangerous. The brown recluse’s poison will cause necrosis to the skin around the area of the bite that can lead to infection and ulceration. People with a compromised immune system may experience symptoms throughout their whole body. Brown recluse spiders are tan to dark brown in color with a distinctive dark violin shape found behind their head. Their bodies range from ¼ -1/2 of an inch in length. Brown recluse spiders prefer undisturbed areas of your home like attics, basements, cupboards, crawl spaces, and underneath furniture.

Spider Prevention Tips
In addition to professional pest control from AAPC, here are some steps you can take to prevent spiders from invading your home and property:
- Trim trees and bushes away from your home. Spiders use their branches to gain access to your home.
- Repair or replace any screens with holes or rips.
- Caulk gaps around windows and doors.
- Seal any cracks in your foundation.
- Secure your outbuildings. Do not leave doors or windows open for long periods of time.
- Keep wood piles away from the exterior of your home.
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Spider Control In Arrington TN

All-American Pest Control offers comprehensive home pest control designed to eliminate common house spiders, black widow spiders, and other common household pests.
Perimeter PLUS Pest Control program- This program works to control common house spiders, black widow spiders, and 47 other household pests in and around your home. The service includes thorough exterior treatments, interior services (as needed) with no additional charge, no annual contracts, and no cost for return trips if a pest problem occurs between visits.
Green Pest Control program- This eco-friendly option can also help to control and eliminate spiders along with 47 other household pests using Essentria™, which is made from plant-based oils that work to naturally control insects. Essentria™ is completely safe to use around humans, pets, birds, and fish.
Brown Recluse Spider Control In Arrington Tennessee
All-American Pest Control has a specific program dedicated to brown recluse spider control in Arrington and throughout Middle Tennessee. As their name suggests their reclusive nature can make this species extremely difficult to control and the treatment method needs to be tailored to each homes unique needs. Our brown recluse spider control program starts with an inspection and evaluation of your home and property and includes a thorough treatment of your crawlspace and/or basement areas, an interior application at the base of closets, around furniture, behind bed frames and other spider resting spots found in your home, treatments to wall voids and other inaccessible areas, attic treatments, exterior applications to perimeter cracks and crevices, and finally exterior web removal.
Keeping Stinging Insects Away in Arrington
There are two types of stinging insects: There is the stinging insect you find near its nest and there is the stinging insect you find away from its nest. This is an important distinction because the stinging insect you find away from its nests is much less likely to sting you. As long as you don't wave your arms around and provoke it, that stinging insect will let you walk away without a wound.
The wasp or yellow jacket to watch out for is the one that is near its nest. Social wasps and hornets have a nest-protection instinct. For this reason, the best way to avoid being stun in your yard is to not have a nest on your property. Here are two things you should know.
Where Stinging Insect Nests Are Often Found
When a wasp or hornet creates a nest in your yard, there are a few common locations you can look to find them:
- Underneath roof overhangs.
- In a tree hole, attached to a branch, or in holes around the base of a tree.
- In a bush or shrub
- Underneath decks and other external structures.
- Inside any ground hole, in particular, holes that are created by wildlife.
However, even if you have stinging insects on your property, we don’t recommend you go looking for nests!
Stinging pests don't always create nests in your yard or on the outside of your home. They can create a nest on the inside as well. These nests can be difficult to detect. You'll have to look closely for a wasp or hornet entering and exiting a hole in your home, garage, shed, barn or other structure on your property. This kind of activity can alert you to danger.
Who has time to look for the nests of stinging insects or stinging insect activity? This is why a wasp or hornet infestation can sneak up on a family. But those wasps and hornets don't have to sneak up on you. With Stinging & Biting Insect Yard Treatments from All-American Pest Control, you get routine inspections from a highly-trained Arrington pest control professional. When wasps or hornets try to establish themselves in your yard, you'll know it.
Termite Control Tips for Arrington Residents
One of the first questions that must be considered when discussing termite control and protection is just how harmful are termites in Tennessee? After all, if you don't believe termites are a threat to your home, why would you consider controlling them? To answer this question we must look at two factors: which type of termite is the most destructive, and are those termites present in Tennessee?
Of all the termites that destroy properties in the United States, subterranean termites are head and shoulders above the rest. Damage done by subterranean termites is in the billions of dollars annually. All other termite damage combined is only in the hundreds of millions. Can you guess what type of termites we deal with in Arrington? Yup. Subterranean termites.
Why are subterranean termites so destructive?
One of the big reasons this type of termite is such a destructive powerhouse is that it is really sneaky. Subterranean termites come up from the ground and feed on the inside of wood. That is why they are considered the silent destroyers of the pest world. You could have these termites feeding on your home right now and not even know it.
How do you stop subterranean termites?
We believe the best way to detect subterranean termites and prevent damage is with the Sentricon® System with Always Active™. Here are 5 reasons every Arrington home should be guarded by Sentricon® with Always Active™:
Unlike liquid treatments, Sentricon® with Always Active™ does not require trenching or drilling and it has no smell.
Sentricon® with Always Active™ is always active and works immediately to use termites against the colony that sent them.
When subterranean termites try to attack your home, your service professional will be able to easily tell during the examination of your bait stations. This will give you the assurance you need to keep investing in this essential protection for your home.
Sentricon® with Always Active™ is an award-winning termite control product that has over 70 published research articles proving that it is consistently effective at eliminating termite colonies.
Sentricon® with Always Active™ targets termites and only termites. You don't get any greener than that!
Every Tennessee home should have termite protection. Get your protection in place today by reaching out to our pest control experts at All-American. All-American Pest Control is a Certified Sentricon® with Always Active™ installer. Our service team will help you get the right protection in place to guard your equity from these sneaky, wood-destroying insects.
Tips to Keep Out Ants in Arrington
Throughout the summer months, ants can become a problem in your home and specifically in your kitchen. In other articles, we've talked about the common ants in Tennessee that do this and how ants get into homes, but today we're going to focus on why ants can become a problem in your kitchen.
The first thing required for an ant infestation to happen in your kitchen is that ants have to find a way in. There are many ways they can do this. They'll climb through gaps in weatherstripping on doors and past damaged door sweeps. They'll climb in through the seal around door and window frames. But the most common entry points ants use are holes created by wood-damaging pests. If you want to avoid problems with ants, the first step is to patch or seal holes, gaps, and cracks in your exterior.
Once you've done everything you can to keep ants from getting in, they may still be able to get into your home. The good news is that most ants won't enter your home in large numbers unless they have a good reason. What reason might that be? An infestation usually starts with a small number of scout ants locating a food source. As a scout ant returns to the nest with food, it lays down a pheromone scent that alerts the other ants in the colony to the presence of food. Within a very short time, a large number of ants can quickly mobilize to go after that food. The more ants that do, the more pheromone is laid down. The catalyst of this invasion is the food source. Here are a few ways you can prevent ants from mobilizing a large army to enter your home.
Clean spills up immediately.
Put dishes in a sink full of soapy water, rather than sitting on the counter next to the sink.
Vacuum your rugs routinely.
Put pet food down only during mealtimes.
Be cautious about where you set bags full of trash down. It may be easy for you to overlook a spot on the floor where organic juices have leaked through, but it won't be difficult for an ant. Bring trash straight from your interior receptacles to exterior receptacles if possible.
Ants are tiny, persistent insects that can quickly become a nuisance, but infestations aren't always just a nuisance. Some species of ant can contaminate your foods and some are able to damage your home. When ants appear in your kitchen, or long before, reach out to All-American Pest Control, the pest control company in Arrington you can trust!