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Yellow Jackets

What Are Yellow Jackets?

yellow jackets in franklin tennessee

Yellow jackets are social insects that live and work together, gathering food for the colony.
Their colonies can become very large, sometimes having more than 4,000 workers associated with a single colony.

Yellow jacket identification can be tricky because they look similar to many other stinging insects. Adult workers are about 3/8th to 5/8th of an inch in length and have six legs and a set of antennae. Yellow jackets have a black head and face and a yellow and black patterned abdomen. They can most easily be identified from other wasps by their yellow and black stripes and their thin, defined waists.

Yellow jackets can be found invading homes and other buildings all across the United States. They typically build their nests close to the ground, which is another way to help you distinguish them from other stinging insects.

Are Yellow Jackets Dangerous?

Yes, yellow jackets are dangerous. They are an aggressive species that will defend their nests and territory by delivering painful stings. Each yellow jacket can sting multiple times and the venom from a yellow jacket’s sting can trigger severe allergic reactions in some people. This can lead to serious health problems that require immediate medical attention. Even if you don’t have a stinging insect allergy, a yellow jacket sting is painful and unpleasant.

What Causes Yellow Jackets?

Yellow jacket queens begin to build their nests and grow their colonies in the spring. They are attracted to locations that offer a good food and water source, as well as a safe place to build their nest. If your property has plenty of flowering plants, other insects, and areas of standing water, yellow jackets will think it’s a good place to live. 

Yellow jacket colonies are at their highest numbers in the late summer and early fall. They feed on sweets and proteins and can become quite a nuisance at outdoor events like festivals, picnics, and BBQs. They typically nest in the ground, under porches, or at the bottom of trees, but will also nest under the eaves of homes, behind wall voids, and in attics, which can lead to serious infestations.

How Do I Get Rid of Yellow Jackets?

Yellow jackets should only be removed from your home and property with the help of professionals. At All-American Pest Control, we offer pest control services for yellow jackets through our Perimeter Plus Pest Control or Green Choice Pest Control programs.

Our pest control services are designed to target the pests that are actively causing problems on your property, while also delivering the preventative services necessary to keep them from returning. Your yellow jacket infestation will be fully eliminated with All-American Pest Control.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Get Rid of Yellow Jackets Myself?

Trying to take care of a yellow jacket problem on your own can be dangerous and ineffective. You’re likely to get stung multiple times and there’s a good chance you won’t eliminate the entire yellow jacket colony. DIY methods can also end up costing you time and money that you don’t want to spend. 

The safest and most effective way to completely eliminate a yellow jacket infestation is by getting help from professional pest control specialists. If you need help getting rid of yellow jackets in or around your home, contact the professionals at All-American Pest Control today. We can safely and fully eliminate the problem.

How To Prevent A Yellow Jacket Infestation

Preventing yellow jackets can be difficult, but there are a few things that you can do around your home to deter them. Some useful prevention tips for yellow jackets and other wasps include:

  • Sealing gaps found in your home’s foundation, exterior walls, and along your roof line.

  • Making sure that your chimney has a tight cap on it and that any cracks in it are sealed.

  • Keeping outdoor trash cans stored away from the exterior of your home and making sure they have tight-fitting lids on them.

  • Removing areas of standing water.

  • Reducing the number of flowering plants around your property.

  • Cleaning up carefully after eating outdoors to ensure no food particles are left behind.

Why Choose All-American Pest Control?

All-American Pest Control has over 60 years of experience solving pest problems, including yellow jacket infestations. If you have a yellow jacket problem you need solved, you can count on us to deliver effective services from our trained and friendly pest control experts in Nashville and Middle Tennessee.

Our home pest control covers over 47 different species of pests, including yellow jackets. We’ll inspect, treat, and provide timely follow-up services to ensure your home remains pest-free all year long.

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