The Problems With Pests In Your West Nashville Home
Along with an increase in temperature and outdoor fun, summer also means an increase in pest activity. Pests all across the country including those species common to West Nashville increase their activity in the summer while foraging for food, nesting, and breeding. Unfortunately, this also means more occurrences of pests making their way into West Nashville homes and businesses. More than a nuisance, pests can spread disease, harm personal property and cause serious damage to structures. Some common summer pests that you should be aware of include spiders, mosquitoes, termites, ticks and fleas, and ants.

Residential Pest Control In West Nashville
Residential pest control in West Nashville is a significant consideration for All-American Pest Control. One of our primary objectives is to ensure that none of our friends, neighbors, or community has to share their home with pests and rodents.
Common Pests Found in Homes in Tennessee include:
- Ants
- Cockroaches
- Flies
- Pantry pests
- Fabric pests
- Rodents
- Stinging insects
- And more!
It is essential to keep your home free of pests. Some pests cause illness and disease, some damage your property, while others merely annoy you. All-American Pest Control has been working with local residents for more than 50 years. We have the skills and knowledge to identify your problem pests and problem areas so we can advise you on the best methods of elimination and protection.
If you see signs of cockroaches or rodents inside your West Nashville home, reach out to All-American Pest Control. We are ready and able to make the pests go away so your family can be safer and your home can be kept sanitary. Reach out today for more information about our professional residential pest control options.
Commercial Pest Control In West Nashville
Commercial pest control in West Nashville has to be done by a professional. The Board of Health and other property inspectors want to see how business owners keep pests like cockroaches, ants, and rodents from being a problem. f the inspector considers the signs of a pest like droppings or one of the pests, they will give the business a less than satisfactory mark on their report.
Keeping pests away is a worry that business owners do not need. Most business owners have enough to consider without adding pest elimination or prevention. HB Pest Elimination has been caring for the businesses of West Nashville and the surrounding areas since 1961.
When we receive a call from a commercial property owner, we are ready to help them solve their problem and prevent future problems. We listen to the business representative about their main pest concerns and where they have seen pests when we inspect the property identifying any signs of pests or possible entry methods. Once we know what you are dealing with, we will discuss how to eliminate the pests and how often to make regularly scheduled return visits to ensure that you do not have any more pest concerns.
When you are ready to stop worrying about pests ruining your good business, call All-American Pest Control, and let us take the worry away. We want our business clients to feel protected from any pest invasion. Call today to explore our professional commercial pest control options!
Types Of Spiders In West Nashville
Spiders are a common pest problem throughout Middle Tennessee. Contrary to popular belief, most species of spiders pose no real danger to humans. Truth be told, spiders are beneficial outdoors as they control insect populations. But problems can start when they invade your home, garage, crawl space, basement, or shed looking for food and a dark, safe hiding spot. It can be quite challenging to find where spiders are hiding in your home, making them difficult to eliminate and control. While most spiders are harmless, you and your family should be aware of the venomous species, such as the brown recluse spider. These spiders are tan to dark brown in color with a dark, distinctive violin shape found behind their head. Their bodies range from ¼ -1/2 of an inch in length. A brown recluse’s venom will cause necrosis to the skin around the area of the bite that can lead to infection and ulceration of the area. If you are bitten by a brown recluse, seek medical attention immediately.
West Nashville Spider Control
All-American Pest Control’s Perimeter Control Program takes care of spiders (excluding brown recluse spiders) and will also eliminate other household pests such as ants and roaches. This home pest control service includes elimination of the current infestation and year-round monitoring to prevent spiders and other pests from making their way indoors. We also offer brown recluse spider control that includes an evaluation performed by one of our experienced techs, treatment recommendations, the placement of monitoring devices, and the identification of conditions that are favorable to brown recluse spiders.
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Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes are typically active during the summer months and, because they carry diseases that can be spread to humans and pets, they are considered to be dangerous.
These biting bugs can transmit West Nile virus and other serious diseases. They are also a threat to pets with their ability to transmit canine heartworms.
All-American offers mosquito control services that also combat outdoor flies, Japanese beetles, spiders, and box elder bugs.
Contact us today to learn more about this service.
Termite Control In West Nashville
Eastern subterranean termites live in large underground colonies and are responsible for an estimated five billion dollars worth of damages to buildings every year. Termites feed on the cellulose of plant materials (their main food source being soil, piles of leaves, and tree stumps), but will also make their way into homes and businesses where they typically end up behind walls and feed on your structural wood. They especially enjoy the taste of wood that has suffered water damage.) Like bed bugs, termite activity often increases during the summer months, but they are actively inflicting termite damage year-round. Let All-American Pest Control install a Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination System, which treats existing termite infestations and protects against future termite activity. This system is environmentally-friendly and requires no drilling or trenching on your property. No matter the season, the Sentricon® System offers maximum termite protection for your home. Contact the experienced termite exterminators at All-American to learn more.
Get Rid Of Ants
Ants are inevitable in Tennessee. Unfortunately, some of the ants found in our state are not just nuisance pests. In recent years, fire ants have spread across the Southern states at an alarming rate. Fire ants are small in size, ranging from 1/10 – ¼ of an inch in length. They are reddish-brown to black in color. Fire ants are aggressive and will infect a painful sting to defend their nests. The carpenter ant is another type of ant common to our area. Carpenter ants are much larger in size ranging from 1/8 to over ½ of an inch in length. If carpenter ants make their way indoors, they will tunnel through structural wood to create nesting areas. They are harmless to people but can cause significant and costly damage to the structure of your home. All-American Pest Control's Perimeter Plus pest control program will give your home year-round protection against ants and 47 other common pests. Contact All-American to schedule your free home evaluation today.
Contact All-American Pest Control Today
If you have a pest problem in your home or business or simply want to prevent against infestations, please contact All-American Pest Control Inc to speak to one of our professionals. We’d be more than happy to discuss your concerns and provide detailed information regarding our residential pest control and commercial pest control services in West Nashville. Hey, if Dave Ramsey trusts us to protect his home, you can too!