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American Cockroaches

What Are American Cockroaches?

american cockroach in franklin tn

American cockroaches are the largest of the home-infesting roaches, typically measuring between 1.5 and 2 inches in length. This type of roach has wings and is capable of flight, but only uses those wings on rare occasions.

American cockroaches are reddish-brown in color with a small section of brown or yellow behind their head that can look similar to a figure eight pattern. They are commonly found in restaurants, grocery stores, bakeries, breweries, and other establishments where food is prepared or stored.

American cockroaches also like moist environments and can be found in sewers, basements, and on the first floors of buildings. They aren't often found inside homes, but have been found in crawl spaces, and can occasionally end up indoors, usually by mistake.

Are American Cockroaches Dangerous?

American roaches don't bite and they can't physically hurt you, but cockroaches are known for spreading bacterial diseases that they pick up on the spines of their legs. They can contaminate food and even incite asthma in small children and people with sensitivities to their allergens. They can also destroy wallpaper and personal belongings like books, papers, and clothing.

What Causes American Cockroaches?

These pests are attracted to moist environments. If you have areas of dampness or moisture in your structure, you may be inviting an American cockroach infestation. Unlike German cockroaches that tend to establish a presence in your home and rapidly multiply, American cockroaches are more of an occasional invader that may come indoors for a time but tend to leave on their own. 

Though rare in middle Tennessee, if you have a recurring American roach problem that is not easily solved, there may be moisture problems that need to be addressed. Cracks in your foundation or gaps in the exterior of your home are likely entry points. This type of roach may also be transported inside your property in infested packages or belongings.

How To Get Rid Of American Cockroaches

Getting rid of American cockroaches is a task that All-American Pest Control is ready to handle for home and business owners in Nashville and Middle Tennessee. In fact, our home pest control plans and green pest control services are designed to get rid of this type of roach, as well as over 47 different pests common to Middle Tennessee. Contact All-American Pest Control for more information about treatment options.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Get Rid Of American Cockroaches Myself?

Many do-it-yourself methods for roach control simply don't work. They can also be dangerous to you, your family, and your employees and customers if they are mixed or handled improperly. Proper sanitation can go a long way in getting rid of roaches, but that doesn't always completely solve the problem, especially once you already have a large infestation. Contacting a pest control professional in Middle Tennessee is the best way to ensure all cockroach hiding places are located so that your home can be treated appropriately and effectively.

How To Prevent An American Cockroach Infestation

Preventing cockroaches from entering your home is a tough task, but there are definitely useful cockroach prevention tips that can help. 

Prevention begins outdoors by removing clutter and debris that could act as harborage areas for American cockroaches. It’s also wise to seal entry points into your house, such as cracks in your foundation walls and gaps around windows and doors. Inspecting packaging and other items before bringing them indoors can also help you avoid ending up with American cockroaches in your house.

Should these pests find their way indoors, you can go a long way in preventing a large infestation by keeping your environment clean and sanitized. Simple steps, like keeping dry goods in air-tight containers and not leaving dirty dishes in the sink for long periods of time, can help prevent a large cockroach infestation. 

Why Choose All-American Pest Control?

At All-American Pest Control, we understand the stressful nature of a pest infestation, especially one like a roach infestation that brings the possibility of disease along with it. We have more than 60 years of experience in Tennessee pest control and are dedicated to resolving your roach problem. With All-American Pest Control, you’ll receive the services you need, a service technician who is committed to solving your pest problems, and thorough treatments that are safe for your family. 

Whether you want green pest control, perimeter control to keep pests out, or full-service pest control, All-American offers the services you need. Contact us today!

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