4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1202 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1202 Reviews

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If you've noticed that there are fewer flies in winter, you have something in common with a spider. This lack of outside food sources will often send spiders into man-made structures during the winter months, in search of food. This can lead to many frustrating encounters in homes that don't have year-round pest control service.

Most spiders will simply make themselves a nuisance, like the common house spider (parasteatoda tepidariorum) which is in the family Theridiidae (cobweb spiders). These spiders stay true to their family name by making many webs around a home. These tangled webs will often be found in high places where they will be most effective at catching tiny flies. These are, after all, tiny spiders, measuring between 5 and 8 mm in length on average. Tiny insects are their food of choice. If you have an outbreak of fruit flies in your home, the common house spider will feel right at home.

During the winter months, you may find more cellar spiders in your cellar. While these spiders have no problem invading your home any time of year, their search for food could land them inside your basement area. This can be very frustrating if you have a finished basement. Fortunately, cellar spiders are not dangerous.

One spider to watch out for in winter is the brown recluse. If this spider squeezes into your home in search of a meal, it could leave a bite on your skin you're sure to remember. These spiders make tangled webs in corners and secluded places near the floor. If you're finding low, tangled webs, it is a good idea to have your home inspected by a professional.

At All-American, we protect Tennessee homes from spiders through a process of modern pest protocols. Our friendly and knowledgeable professionals know where these spiders prefer to hide, and use monitoring techniques that keep track of spider activity. An interior application is applied at the base of closets, around furniture, behind bed frames, and in other spots where spiders tend to rest. Hiding places in wall voids and outlets, along perimeters, and inside cracks and crevices, are addressed with a limited and focused application of control products. Then they keep track of traps to monitor the success of the treatments.

Spiders can be a problem any time of year. If you need specific service for a specific spider infestation, or you are ready to get ongoing professional pest control for your home, our team is ready to assist you with the most advanced protocols in the industry, and a friendly smile. You can probably live with spiders. But it is nicer, and safer, to live without them.

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