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Norway Rats

What Are Norway Rats?

Illustration Of Norway Rat

Norway rats are a species of rodent with small, bulging black eyes, a blunt nose, small ears, and a heavy body. Their fur is shaggy in appearance and is usually brown with scattered black hairs. The fur on their underside is lighter than the rest of their body and is usually a gray or creamy white color.

The body of an adult Norway rat is between seven and nine and a half inches in length. Their tail is shorter than their body, usually between six and eight inches in length. Norway rat tails are bi-colored. They tend to be pinkish brown with a darker top and lighter underside. 

The droppings of a Norway rat are one way that you can identify their presence if you haven’t seen the rats themselves. These droppings are dark and rod-shaped with blunt ends. They can be up to an inch long.

Are Norway Rats Dangerous?

Yes, Norway rats are dangerous to both people and property. Norway rats can contaminate food and food prep areas with their urine, feces, and saliva. They have the ability to spread serious diseases and bacteria to people, as well as introduce other parasites like mites and fleas into a home or business.

Norway rats are also extremely damaging to property. They need to constantly chew to keep their front incisors from overgrowing, which leads to damage to the structure of the building they are infesting, as well as to personal property. If Norway rats get into your home or business, they can damage wiring, pipes, insulation, and more. This can lead to dangerous issues, such as risks of fire and flooding.

What Causes Norway Rats?

Outside, Norway rats burrow in things like garbage piles, woodpiles, and under concrete slabs. They move inside while looking for food, water, and shelter. They often enter homes and businesses in the late fall when the weather outside becomes cooler and less desirable for them to live comfortably. 

This species of rat is a poor climber and therefore invades the basements, crawl spaces, and ground floors of homes and commercial properties. If your structure has any openings, including gaps around basement windows or holes and cracks in your foundation, Norway rats will find a way inside.

Once they get inside, they’ll be happy to stick around if the area provides food and places where they can nest in out-of-the-way locations.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Get Rid Of Norway Rats Myself?

The best way to safely and completely get rid of Norway rats from your home or business and prevent a re-infestation is to get help from a professional Norway rat control expert. 

Baits and traps that can be purchased from big box stores are often ineffective and can be dangerous if not mixed or placed properly. If Norway rats have infested your property, contact the pest control experts in Nashville and Middle Tennessee at All-American Pest Control today.

How Do I Prevent A Norway Rat Infestation?

The following prevention tips can help to reduce problems with Norway rats:

  • Make sure that garbage is placed in outdoor trash containers that have locking lids on them. 

  • Store trash containers a distance away from the outside of your home.

  • Place woodpiles a distance away from the outside of your home.

  • Seal gaps in the foundation.

  • Place door sweeps on exterior doors.

  • Place items like bird feeders away from the exterior of your home.

  • Place secure screens over the dryer and other vents.

  • Pick up uneaten pet food and store dry pet food in plastic containers with tight-fitting lids.

  • Keep food found inside your home or business in sealed containers or in the refrigerator and not out in the open on counters or tables.

  • Cut back vegetation from around the perimeter of your home or business.

  • Remove clutter from your home or business, especially in lower level rooms.

  • Address moisture issues inside and outside your structure.

The best way to prevent Norway rats is through a combination of your own prevention efforts and professional rodent control from All-American Pest Control.

Why Should I Choose All-American Pest Control?

With over 60 years of experience, we provide the effective services, effort, and patience it takes to solve any pest problem, including problems with dangerous and destructive Norway rats. By choosing All-American Pest Control, you can be sure that you will receive quality services, thorough treatments, and a commitment to solving your pest problems by our trained, experienced, and friendly experts.

Because rodents are such a common problem in Middle Tennessee, All-American Pest Control provides Norway rat control in our Perimeter Plus home pest control plan. This quarterly service keeps your home protected from over 47 common pests all year long. Learn more about Perimeter Plus and our other home pest control options here.

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