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What are Millipedes?

millipedes in franklin tennessee

Although their name suggests that they have a thousand legs, most millipedes only have between 33 and 90 legs, although one species has almost 400 legs. These legs are positioned under their tube-like bodies, which are usually dark brown or black, with two sets of legs for every segment of their body. When in action, their legs appear to move in a wave-like fashion.

Millipedes are often mistaken for centipedes, but there are several differences between the two arthropods. While millipedes have rounder, worm-like bodies with their legs positioned underneath their bodies, centipedes have slightly flatter bodies with legs that are positioned on the sides of their bodies. Millipedes eat decaying plant matter, while centipedes feast on insects. You can also tell the difference between a millipede and a centipede by their rate of speed., Millipedes move slowly, while centipedes tend to move quickly.

Are Millipedes Dangerous?

Millipedes are not poisonous and they do not bite or sting. However, these arthropods have the ability to emit a repulsive fluid that can cause irritation to the skin, so millipedes are only mildly dangerous to humans. Some species of millipedes can disperse this awful fluid up to several inches away. If you come into contact with millipede fluid you should immediately wash the area of impact and scrub thoroughly to ensure the odor has been eliminated. The fluid that millipedes' release can also be toxic to small animals, including your pets, so it’s best to keep your small dogs and cats away from millipedes.

Why Do I Have a Millipede Problem?

A millipedes' main source of food is damp and deteriorating vegetation. Millipedes are most commonly spotted outdoors in high-moisture areas. If your yard has a high moisture content and a lot of plant life, millipedes will be drawn to it.

In some cases, when there is a lot of rain or a hot, dry spell, millipedes may accidentally find their way into a home or business. Typically, a millipede’s chance of survival in a house is slim as there is less moisture and fewer food sources indoors. 

How Do I Get Rid of Millipedes?

Millipedes are nocturnal creatures. Their elusive nature presents a problem in locating their whereabouts. Although it’s not unusual to find a millipede or two every now and then, if you start seeing a lot of them, you’ll likely want to get rid of them, especially because millipedes can be dangerous for dogs and cats.

At All-American, our professionals have the training, knowledge, and expertise to handle any millipede problem. Severe millipede infestation treatments involve raking mulch and/or other landscaping elements to treat deep down in the soil where millipedes are living and breeding. 

Our millipede pest control pros can help you establish and maintain a pest-free environment in your Tennessee home or business. Contact us today to learn more about our Nashville home pest control programs, including the Perimeter Plus Program.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Get Rid of Millipedes Myself?

Without the proper training and tools, elimination of any pest on your own is not a good idea. Most do-it-yourself sprays and repellents are ineffective and, if used improperly, these chemicals can expose your family and pets to dangerous toxins. At the first millipede sighting, don’t hesitate; contact Tennessee’s millipede experts today!


Why Choose All-American Pest Control?

Since 1961, All-American Pest Control has been faithfully serving home and business owners in Nashville and throughout Middle Tennessee. We take pride in the exceptional workforce we have created and the outstanding services we provide. We are not a big, national chain; we live right here and we understand the pest problems that arise in this area better than anyone else. Most importantly, we are confident in our ability to rid your property of any pest. No job is too big or too small for All-American! 

When it comes to millipedes, we understand that home and business owners do not want to find these creepy-crawly pests in their homes or commercial facilities. Our Perimeter Plus pest control service is designed to get rid of millipedes and over 47 other pests, while our Green Choice pest control eliminates pests using eco-friendly materials. Contact us today for more information about our pest control offerings in Nashville.

How Can I Prevent a Millipede Problem in the Future?

Prevention is a key component in pest management and there are tips that can help keep the pests out. When trying to avoid a millipede problem: 

  • Do not overwater your lawn

  • Make sure all cracks and crevices around the house are repaired or filled in

  • Keep all crawl spaces, basements, and attics well-ventilated and dry

  • Remove dying or decaying vegetation from your yard, especially right around your house

While you may try your best to keep the pest out, there are times when the help of a professional is needed to create and stabilize a pest-free environment. If you are struggling with a millipede issue, contact the professionals at All-American Pest Control for dependable and effective pest services.


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Centipedes vs. Millipedes

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