What are Carpenter Bees?

Carpenter bees are a large species of bee commonly found in Middle Tennessee. They range in size from ½ to 1½ inches in length. Carpenter bees are often mistaken for bumble bees, but there are a couple of distinctive differences in their appearance. Both have round, hairy bodies, but carpenter bees are only hairy on their thorax, not their abdomen, while bumble bees are hairy on both. Male carpenter bees have yellowish-orange and black stripes on their thorax like bumble bees, but female carpenter bees have all black thoraxes. Finally, the abdomens of carpenter bees are shiny and black, not striped and hairy like bumble bees.
Another difference between carpenter bees and bumble bees is not as readily apparent: Carpenter bees are solitary insects, unlike very social bumblebees. Carpenter bees live and work alone or in small, unstructured groups.
Are Carpenter Bees Dangerous?
Male carpenter bees cannot sting, but are extremely aggressive and will buzz around your head in an effort to keep you away from their nest. Females are capable of stinging but, unless handled or threatened, they rarely do. If you are stung, there is the possibility of an allergic reaction occurring.
The greater problem with a carpenter bee infestation is that they create tunnels in wood, which is where they lay their eggs. Over time, if the same tunnels are used season after season, they can begin to weaken the wooden structure in which they are found. In addition to this minor damage, carpenter bee tunnels can attract woodpeckers, which cause even more damage. Woodpeckers peck at and destroy the infested wood in an effort to get at the carpenter bee larva that is located inside the wood tunnels.
Why Do I Have a Carpenter Bee Problem?
Wood is not a food source for carpenter bees. Instead, they use the wood in and around your home to make tunnels for a nesting area and a place to overwinter. Carpenter bees enjoy making nests in wood that is unpainted and prefer weathered softwoods. Decks, porches, and sheds generally meet their needs. Breeding pairs often come back to the same area year after year, which can increase the damage done to your structure.
How Do I Get Rid of Carpenter Bees?
Because carpenter bees can damage homes, it’s important to get rid of them. Here at All–American Pest Control, we offer our Perimeter Plus pest control for homeowners dealing with carpenter bees. This home pest control program also targets over 47 different pests. Offering the most effective pest control in Middle Tennessee, All-American Pest Control is ready to help you get rid of carpenter bees and whatever else is bugging you. Schedule your free home evaluation or reach out to learn more about our commercial treatment options for carpenter bees in Tennessee.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Get Rid of Carpenter Bees Myself?
Carpenter bees can be a difficult species to control. You need to make sure that all the tunnels that they have created have been treated so that no bees remain or they will just come back to the same spot the next year.
There is also the possibility of being stung and having a severe allergic reaction while trying to get rid of these pests. If you have a carpenter bee problem, it is best to contact All-American Pest Control today.
Why Choose All-American Pest Control?
Choosing a pest control company shouldn’t be a difficult decision. All-American Pest Control has been serving Middle Tennessee for over 60 years. We know the time, effort, and commitment it takes to solve your carpenter bee problem. With us on the job, you can be sure you’ll get trained professionals who are committed to solving your carpenter bee problem.
Our Perimeter Plus pest program is a great option to eliminate bully carpenter bees around your property. It also protects your home from over 47 other common pests. If you’re looking for something even more comprehensive, check out our Advantage bundle or our Complete Care bundle. No matter what plan you choose, you’ll receive the service you need to protect your home from damaging carpenter bees. Reach out to us today!
How Can I Prevent a Carpenter Bee Problem in the Future?
The best way to prevent carpenter bees from choosing your property for their nests is to paint and stain wooden structures around your home, including porches, sheds, and decks. Carpenter bees do not like to make nests in treated wood so this can be an effective deterrent method.
Furthermore, carpenter bees are more likely to infest rotting or damaged wood, so reducing moisture around your property and replacing damaged planks can help deter carpenter bees.
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