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No one likes to find bugs in their food. But it can happen. You can open up a pantry product and find tiny insects crawling around inside. If you're thinking, "Um...no thank you!" we're with you. Today, we're going to talk about weevils—common bugs that find their way into the foods we eat. But, most importantly, we're going to give you some tips to help you prevent these insects from becoming an unsavory part of your meal plan.

What Is A Weevil?

Weevils are tiny insects that range in size from 3mm to more than 10mm long. They get into crop fields and damage crops. They get into products on their way to manufactures and lay their eggs. These eggs can be present inside food that you purchase from the store. Fortunately, businesses work really hard to prevent weevil infestations from farm to table. 

How Weevils Get In Your Home

Weevils in Hendersonville are mostly hitchhiking pests. If they lay eggs in a food product, you can bring the eggs into your home without realizing it. Once inside your home, the eggs can hatch and you can start to see insects in your foods. But these insects can also come in from the outside. So, it is important to consider tips that prevent insects from gaining entrance to your home and also your stored foods.

How To Keep Weevils Out

If these insects come into your yard and explore the outside of your home, you can limit their ability to get into your stored foods by doing the following:

  • Inspect the screens on your doors and windows. If you see any rips or tears, apply a patch or have the screens replaced.

  • Inspect the border around your window and door screens. If you see any gaps, seal those gaps so insects can't get past your screens and enter your home when you open doors and windows.

  • Seal gaps around pipes, wire conduits, and other foundation penetrations.

  • Seal cracks in your foundation walls.

  • Fill in holes created by wood-destroying pests.

  • Consider perimeter pest control. At All-American Pest Control we offer Perimeter Plus Pest Control to repel and knock down insects before they get into Hendersonville residences.

How To Prevent Weevils From Being Part Of A Meal

If weevils have laid eggs in a food product you've purchased from the store, it is hard to know. But you may be able to catch them once those eggs have hatched. You may see larvae or webbing in your foods. The best way to prevent weevils and other pantry pests is to store your items in sealed containers. Here's why:

  • When you transfer food items to your sealed containers, you will be able to inspect them for larvae, webbing, or adult insects.

  • If a food item is infested, a sealed container will prevent the infestation from spreading to other packaged items.

  • When you store food items in sealed containers, particularly glass containers, you're able to see larvae, webbing, or adult insects inside.

  • Food stored in sealed containers stays fresh longer and the smell of the food is contained. The scent of overdue food products is strong and can attract the attention of pantry pests.

What To Do When Pantry Pests Appear

If you discover pantry pests in your pantry and you store your products in sealed containers, you may only need to empty the food outside and clean the container. Problem solved. But, if you don't, or you have a pantry pest problem that is outside of your contained foods, remember that the service team here at All-American Pest Control is available to assist you in correcting pest infestations. Reach out to us anytime. We're standing by to help.

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