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This is the time of year when it is important to consider a tiny beetle known as the Asian lady beetle. These little guys may be nice to have around in your garden, but when they get into your home they can cause trouble. They're irritating houseguests and they have the ability to stain your belongings. Let's take a look at a few things every Brentwood resident should know about these insects.

Why Asian Lady Beetles Are Fall Pests

When temperatures drop, Asian lady beetles go into hiding. In nature, they hide in cracks and crevices of rocks, or underneath tree bark. If they crawl on your home, they might get into cracks and crevices in your foundation wall, or underneath the "bark" of your home—also known as siding. Now is the time to make sure you don't have any entry points these insects can use to get into your home, such as:

  • Holes created by water and pest damage.

  • Gaps in the weatherstripping around exterior doors.

  • Openings provided by damaged or missing door sweeps.

  • Holes in door and window screens.

  • Gaps around pipes, wire conduit, and other foundation wall penetrations.

  • A pathway into your home through a broken window pane.

Asian Lady Beetles Look For Fruits And Berries In Fall

If you have an apple tree, raspberry patch, or some other fruit or berry bush in your yard, you may have more trouble with Asian lady beetles than your neighbor. While Asian lady beetles feed on aphids most of the year, they turn to fruits and berries in the fall. Keep this in mind as you determine how much effort you need to give to keep these beetles out of your home.

Asian Lady Beetles Aren't Dangerous

When these insects get into your Brentwood home, you don't need to be overly concerned. While Asian lady beetles can bite you, they're not inclined to do so, and their bites are not harmful. These insects are not known to transmit diseases to humans. So, the greatest concern is their ability to stain your stuff.

What To Do About Asian Lady Beetles

If you seal your exterior, you might be able to keep these pests out. Any Asian lady beetles that get inside can be sucked up with a vacuum, just be sure to dispose of the bag outside. If you would like greater control, remember that All-American Pest Control is always available to assist you with industry-leading pest control.

How All-American Pest Control Can Help

While no treatment is guaranteed to eliminate all of the Asian lady beetles in your home, or keep them from getting into your home, Perimeter PLUS Pest & Mosquito will give you the best control possible.

Outdoor Control — We provide an exterior misting service that helps with the reduction of Asian lady beetles, boxelder bugs, stink bugs, and also mosquitoes. This service gives you coverage for 47 of Tennessee's most common household pests.

Indoor Control — If Asian lady beetles, or any other fall pests, get into your Brentwood home, we can do an indoor inspection, vacuum the insects up, and treat around your windows and doors with a targeted crack and crevice treatment.

If you have questions, we'd be happy to answer them. If you're ready to take the next step and do something about Asian lady beetles and other fall pests getting into your Brentwood home, reach out to us and schedule a pest control inspection. We'll help you find the right pest control program for your specific needs and budget. Connect with us today. We're standing by to help.

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