4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1202 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1202 Reviews

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If you are wondering how to get rid of ants, spiders, crickets and other pests from invading your home… look no further. All-American Pest Control has designed three pest control programs with you, your family and your home in mind. Choose the program that fits your needs the best! Rest assured no matter your choice you get services that are…

More Effective & More Comprehensive You get coverage for over 47 different pests!  By focusing on the outside of your home to stop pest before they get inside.

Environmentally Friendly All three programs limit the amount of chemical inside your home. None of the materials we use are harmful to soil, flowers, landscaping or your lawn.

No Contracts You can discontinue the service at any time, but as long as you continue with your regular perimeter applications… if a problem does arise inside , all you have to do is call! We’ll schedule a time to come back in between services to provide an additional service for no additional charge.

No Hassle Since we primarily focus on the perimeter of your
home, you aren’t inconvenienced by scheduling monthly appointments.

Perimeter Pest Control

Our Perimeter Pest Control program covers you from
over 47 different household pests. This includes spiders, ants, crickets, silverfish, earwigs, mice, rats, flies, centipedes, millipedes, clover-mites, beetles, food infesting pests, carpenter bees, springtails, fleas and much more!

Green Choice Pest Control

Green Choice Pest Control gives you the maximum amount of pest prevention and control with the least impact on the environment. Similar to our Perimeter Pest Control program, our Green Choice Pest Control
program is designed to stop pests before they ever get inside through regular
perimeter, outdoor applications. AND, it’s green! Get security that comes from knowing that the materials used in and around your home are derived from plant oils.

Perimeter PLUS Pest Control

With Perimeter PLUS Pest Control, you get all the perks of the Perimeter Pest Control program PLUS additional outside treatments to landscaping, tree canopies close to the home, underneath decks, etc to help reduce mosquitoes and other bothersome outdoor pests!

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