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Franklin homeowners: let this be your sign to clean out old or expired items in your cabinets. Pantry pests like Indian meal moths are extremely prevalent in Franklin, and can cause a major headache if left unchecked. 

Pantry pests may not look alarming at first – adult forms of the Indian meal moth even look beautiful to some. But, sighting one moth can soon turn into ten or a hundred sightings. Indian meal moths damage dried goods, but are preventable if you know what to look for.

All-American Pest Control wrote this guide to help you better understand the pantry pest situation in Franklin. Once we go through the specifics of Indian meal moths, we’ll offer tips for proper food storage and encourage you to start with natural remedies for infestations.

If you already have an Indian meal moth infestation, you need more than just elbow grease to get them back out. We introduce you to our approach to pantry pest control in Franklin so you know what to expect from All-American Pest Control.

Understanding The Indian Meal Moth: A Common Pantry Intruder

Indian meal moths are a type of pantry pest you can find around Franklin homes. Adult forms of this moth can't cause any harm to people, but their hungry larvae can consume hundreds of pounds of food per year.

You can spot Indian meal moth larvae in flour, rice, and cereal boxes, especially older packages that are close to expiration or long overdue. Desperate pests even infest dry spices and powdered milk, contaminating your food stores with droppings and larval casings. A common source of these moths is bird seed and dry dog food, as these products don’t often need to go through as rigorous food safety protocols as food meant for human consumption.

Since Indian meal moths can reproduce quickly, it may be challenging to remove multiple generations from your home. That's why proper food storage is key to protecting your property and may prevent infestations before they begin.

Proper Food Storage: A Crucial Element Of Indian Meal Moth Control

The sneaky secret we’d rather not think about when it comes to our favorite stored product foods like oatmeal, crackers, rice and pasta is that they have expiration dates for a reason. One reason is that there could be tiny moth eggs inside that product that snuck in at some point during the production process. There is no shock like opening a product from the back of the pantry and seeing creepy crawlies inside. 

Poorly sealed containers can also attract moths that naturally live outside. The best way to prevent Indian meal moth larvae from taking over your home is to keep their favorite starchy or carb-rich foods under lock and key. This means creating a barrier around existing food stores and upgrading your storage system to prevent moths from sneaking inside.

We encourage Franklin locals to:

  • Store grains (like rolled oats or rice) in airtight jars or plastic bins.
  • Keep stored grains in the refrigerator or freezer for 24 hours prior to moving to the pantry.
  • For countertop storage, rely on glass jars with gasket lids for optimal protection.
  • Keep an eye on older products and practice FIFO, or First In First Out. Just like in a grocery store or restaurant, put newly purchased pantry items in the back and move older items to the front.
  • Practice regular pantry clean-outs. This also includes dry pet food and bird seed. 

Want more tips for preventing Indian meal moths? Let's look at more natural remedies in the segment below.

Natural Remedies For Indian Meal Moth Control

As you've learned, the best method of Indian meal moth prevention is to stop them from showing up in the first place, but that isn’t always possible. If they get inside your home despite your best efforts, you can turn to these natural remedies:

  • Throw away any infested goods outside of the home in a tightly sealed trash bag.
  • Avoid purchasing bulk goods like rice, dried fruit, dried beans and other grains if they’re likely to not get eaten within a few months.
  • Inspect purchased dry goods for signs of pantry pest activity, including the presence of webbing, larvae, or tiny holes in food packaging.

Once the above steps are complete, turn to the team at All-American Pest Control for additional Indian meal moth larvae control. We have what it takes to protect your home both now and in the future.

Eradicating Indian Meal Moths: Franklin's Step-by-Step Control Plan

All-American Pest Control is Franklin's first choice for Indian meal moth and home pest control. From inspections and treatments to follow-up visits, we know what it takes to get the job done right.

For the best way to get rid of Indian meal moths, call All-American Pest Control today. We look forward to providing your loved ones with a free home evaluation.

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