4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1202 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1202 Reviews

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I don’t know about you but it seems like Christmas came and went so quickly this year. The weeks of anticipation leading up to Christmas, the presents so carefully wrapped, the baking and then in a what seems like a blink of an eye, it’s over and all that remains are excellent memories, a couple pounds to be worked off in the New Year and a whole lot of clean up. At All-American Pest Control we want to help make sure that pests do not diminish your memories of the holiday and so our team of Nashville pest control professionals are here to offer advice on how to pack your Christmas decorations so that you don’t have to worry about pests in Tennessee.

So why should you worry about this? Some pests such as mice are capable of damaging your decorations, possessions and even building materials. In their quest for food and shelter they can also introduce serious health and safety concerns including the spread of harmful bacteria and pathogens that can cause illness to you and those you love. With that in mind, here are a few tips to consider when packing away your Christmas decorations.

Ornaments - Inspect each ornament as you take it off the tree for any signs of pest activity like spider webs, mouse droppings, or gnaw marks from rodents. Dispose of damaged ornaments and place the others in an ornament case to keep them protected. Also, toss any homemade decorations that have food ingredients. These can be made again next year but storing them away could attract pests.

Tree - If you have an artificial tree then it is best to keep it in a tree bag rather than the original cardboard box. Over time the box will start to deteriorate and mice could chew their way through. If you had a real Christmas tree then after it is taken out of the home, be sure to vacuum the area to remove all of the pine needles.

Linens - Wash all of the linens like napkins and tablecloths before you store them away. Spills, crumbs and other food remnants are a perfect food source for critters snooping around the holiday boxes when they go back to storage. It is also a good idea to seal them in a bag to prevent moisture that can cause mold and mildew.

Storage bins - All of your decorations including Christmas lights should be stored in plastic totes with tight closing lids. These totes are a great way to keep pests and even moisture out while packed away. Again, cardboard boxes are not durable enough to stand up to the chewing habits of rodents.

It is also a good idea to keep an eye on your storage area (attic, crawlspace, garage, basement etc.) throughout the year. If you notice any pest activity then please be sure to contact us at All-American Pest Control so we can help to get rid of the pests before they become a larger problem. While a few spider webs or mouse droppings may not seem like a big deal, left unaddressed it could become one.

We encourage you to learn more about our home pest control services in Nashville, Franklin and Hendersonville as well as throughout Middle Tennessee to keep pests out year round. You can do so by giving us a call at (615) 883-8526 or simply click here to connect with us today!

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