4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1228 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1228 Reviews

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There are few things as disturbing as having a fly land on your food. It is even more disturbing when flies do this inside your Hendersonville home. If this is happening to you right now, we have a few ideas that will help you get on top of your fly problem.

Control Food Sources

Flies are looking for something to eat. They can eat food left on dirty dishes. They can eat fruit left on the kitchen table. And they can feed on food in your trash. Consider keeping dishes in soapy water instead of in a stack next to the sink. Keep fruit in the refrigerator till you're ready to eat it. And keep your interior trash inside a receptacle with a tight-fitting lid. Also, consider putting organic material inside plastic bags before putting them in your trash.


If you have several flies pestering you, which is common with cluster flies and drain flies, a vacuum is a helpful tool to get rid of them. This works for fruit flies and fungus flies as well.

Address Breeding Sites

If you have flies breeding inside your home, it is likely that you have rotting organic matter somewhere. It is important to hunt this down. It might be an apple left behind the couch by one of your kids. It might be food left in a pet's dish that isn't being used anymore. It could be an animal that got into your home and died in the attic or a wall void. Whatever it is, it needs to be found and removed in order to stop the infestation.

Once You've Dealt With Flies Inside

  • Remove attractants around your home that are luring flies in.
  • Make sure all your screens are in good working order.
  • Inspect your foundation perimeter to make sure no wild animals have died near your home.

When Is It Time To Call A Professional?

Often, homeowners attack the symptom of a fly problem and are unable to address the source. This causes fly populations inside a home to grow out of control or results in infestations reappearing over and over again.

The solution for fly problems in Hendersonville is Perimeter Plus from All-American Pest Control. This year-round service comes with protection for over 47 common pests, including flies. If you have not yet invested in pest control for your Hendersonville home, we make it easy to learn more about it by offering a free home evaluation. Find out what's bugging you and let the friendly, experienced pest-control professionals here at All-American help you make a plan that works for you.

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