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It doesn't get cold enough in Tennessee for all the pests to go away, but there will be a resurgence soon. The types of pests we will be seeing a lot more of soon are ants, spiders, wasps, and mosquitoes. There will also be more activity from pests you won't see, like subterranean termites, carpenter ants, and mice. Now is a good time to start thinking about pest control, and a good place to start is with a good spring clean. Let's take a look at how your spring cleaning can affect pest activity.

Spring Cleaning Addresses Attractants

There are many reasons bugs and wild animals will come into your yard. Your spring cleaning addresses many of them. Here's how:

  • Removing clutter will eliminate harborage options and hiding places for a wide range of potential pests.

  • Removing items from your yard that capture water can have an impact on moisture pests and make it more difficult for mosquitoes to breed in your yard.

  • Trimming your grass and raking up any leaves or debris will reduce moisture and remove locations that moisture pests hang out.

  • Getting rid of spider webs can prevent hundreds of spiderlings from hatching near your home.

  • Cleaning your gutters will allow rainwater to flow down and away from your home and prevent the dampness pest are looking for. It also helps to prevent wood rot which will attract wood-destroying pests to your Nashville home.

Spring Cleaning Gives You A Reason To Do An Inspection

When you get out into your yard to do improvements and clean things up, you're likely to notice pests that might have gone unnoticed, such as wasps attempting to build a nest under the roofline of your shed or yellow jackets coming and going from a hole in your yard. A good spring inspection is an important first step for getting control of pests for the year. Be sure to check often-forgotten places.

Spring Cleaning Repairs

When you repair areas that are rotting, or you seal gaps, cracks and holes, you won't just be improving your curb appeal, you'll be creating a stronger barrier to keep pests out of your home. A good tool for sealing potential entry points is a caulking gun. You can use it to fill in holes created by mice, rats, carpenter ants and other pests that damage wood. You can use it to seal gaps around your window and door frames. It is a versatile tool. If you have a large hole, you might need to use expanding foam. For foundation cracks, a polyurethane crack injection repair kit can give you a quick solution. Be sure to seal gaps inside your kitchen and pantry, especially in moisture points.

Interior Cleaning

When pests get into your home and find it nice and clean, many of them are going to have less reason to stay. Food is a strong motivator. Deep cleaning can remove organic matter that pests feed on. Your cleaning efforts will not go unnoticed by pests.

After Your Spring Cleaning

Once you've done what you can do (or even before), reach out to All-American Pest Control and look into our residential pest control options. It can make a big difference to have a knowledgeable service professional doing routine inspections all year long to identify trouble areas and provide your exterior with appropriate maintenance and seasonal treatments to reduce pest populations. Spring is a great time to get started with perimeter pest control, termite protection, and the reduction of biting insects, like mosquitoes. It's nice to have a helping hand—especially when that helping hand knows all about Tennessee pests. Get in touch with us today. Our licensed and experienced service team members are standing by to assist you with all your pest control needs.  

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