4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1228 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1228 Reviews

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Spiders just have a way of creating fear when their presence is spotted. Many are small and just a nuisance like house spiders, but there are some more dangerous, or venomous spiders. Brown recluse are one of the venomous ones. Brown recluse spiders are pretty small, growing to only ¼ to ¾ of an inch. They are best known by the marking on their back that looks like a violin shape. They are sometimes even called fiddleback or brown fiddler spiders due to this distinctive marking. Other spiders may have a similar marking so the best way to identify a brown recluse is through the eyes of a trained professional, like an exterminator.

Brown recluse have 3 sets, or 6, eyes. They have a central set and then two lateral pairs. Just as their name says they are a very reclusive spider which may seem counterintuitive to stories you’ve heard. If confronted, a brown recluse will normally flee. A brown recluse builds an irregular web in places such as sheds, woodpiles, attics, closets or garages. It will stay in an area that is dry and relatively undisturbed. They have been known to hide in piles of cardboard, dressers, shoes and even bed sheets of unused beds. They seem to prefer warmth. So when it is colder outside, they will move toward warmth. This often means a home, shed or garage.

Even though brown recluse spiders can bite, most people don’t report even feeling the bite. A person bit by a brown recluse may report some pain and itchiness at the bite location. In some cases, the bite location will have necrosis, dead or dying skin, from the toxins contained in the venom. The bite can produce some very serious reactions in people under the age of 7 and those with weakened immune systems. While very rare, there have been fatalities reported due to a brown recluse spider bite.

The easiest way to prevent brown recluse from taking up residence in your home is to eliminate their prefered hiding places. Keep basements, cabinets and closets uncluttered and clean. If you put on clothes or shoes that have sat for days unattended, you may want to check them and shake them out. As with other household pests, make sure all the cracks in the foundation are sealed. Check around the pipes and wirings coming into your home to make sure those areas are also sealed. Keep your window screens repaired and in good condition.

If you suspect a brown recluse problem, you will want to contact your local pest control company. Because brown recluse spiders can be dangerous and bite if they are handled or feel threatened, it is always best to leave brown recluse spider removal to the pros!


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