4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1183 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1183 Reviews

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We all know that mosquito season is coming. It comes every year. And most folks in Tennessee are aware that the Zika virus will be on the radar of health officials in the state as we head into mosquito season. But there are three facts most people don't know about mosquitoes in Tennessee. We think you'll agree, they are definitely three facts worth knowing.

Mosquitoes don't travel far.

When we think about viruses like Zika or West Nile finding a vector from Florida to Tennessee or some other place south of us, it is easy to imagine mosquitoes traveling great distances to bring it to us. But the truth is that most mosquitoes don't travel more than 500 meters in their entire life. That means the mosquitoes that will bite you in your backyard this year, are probably going to be hatched in your backyard, or somewhere nearby. That is why mosquito abatement service is such a powerful tool for protecting families and businesses in Tennessee. If you've considered getting service for your property, don't wait any longer. Get your protection in place before mosquito season begins.

There is a good chance that mosquito populations will be higher this year.

You probably noticed that we had a mild winter. That might have been nice from a comfort standpoint, but that mild winter did nothing to kill dormant mosquitoes. So we're going have more of them. And with more mosquitoes swarming around, that means more bites and more of a chance that dangerous viruses like Zika or West Nile will find a vector.

Mosquitoes don't hibernate.

These insects don't have an internal clock that tells them when to sleep and when to wake up. When we got that nice warm weather in March, they woke up. You may have noticed. You may have even gotten a bite. But, the cold snap that followed that warm weather sent them back into dormancy. Now is the time to have your yard treated. Now is the time to kill those eggs and stop a fresh batch of mosquitoes from taking to the air.

When it comes to mosquitoes it is important to know the facts. And all of these facts make it clear that mosquito reduction services are a good idea.

Make your yard a no-fly-zone with ongoing mosquito reduction services from All-American Pest Control. We can't guarantee that you won't get bitten, but we can definitely guarantee you'll be bitten less. Contact us for a free home evaluation and get all the facts about mosquito threats and advancements in mosquito abatement. If we work together, we can make our communities and our state a safer place to live and raise our families.

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