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Asian Lady Beetles

What Are Asian Lady Beetles?

asian lady beetles in franklin tn

Contrary to popular belief, the Asian lady beetle is NOT a ladybug. These pests are often mistaken for ladybugs due to their similarities in appearance, but they are not the same pest.

Asian lady beetles range in color from yellow and orange to black. Some (generally males) may not have any spots, while others could have up to 22 spots. Asian lady beetle bodies have a dome-shaped appearance and a distinctive “w” marking on the base of their head.

These pests are commonly referred to as "Halloween beetles" for their coloring and tendency to invade homes during the month of October as they seek shelter for winter. They were originally introduced into the United States to control aphid populations.

Are Asian Lady Beetles Dangerous?

Asian lady beetles are not considered to be dangerous, but they can be a nuisance in Nashville and Middle Tennessee. They can especially become problematic when invading homes in very large numbers. This typically happens in the fall. As the weather gets cooler, Asian lady beetles look for a warm place to spend the winter. They’ll gather along south-facing walls, then make their way inside in large groups.

Because they feed on ripened fruit, Asian lady beetles can also be quite destructive to fruit crops. Farmers may find themselves dealing with a frustrating and damaging Asian lady beetle infestation.

Asian lady beetles can bite. These bites feel like pinpricks. They are mildly painful but don’t cause diseases or any lasting harm.

What Causes Asian Lady Beetles?

Asian lady beetles are attracted to the warm, sunny sides of homes and other buildings as the weather starts to cool. They may enter your home in large numbers through cracks and crevices.

Once inside, Asian lady beetles tend to hide in attics and wall voids throughout the cold winter months. When the weather warms up in the spring, they will become active once again and try to move back outdoors. 

Although these pests are mainly a nuisance, in the spring and fall when they’re active inside your house, they can stain the fabrics of your curtains, clothing, and furniture.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Get Rid Of Asian Lady Beetles Myself?

Trying to take care of pest problems on your own can be dangerous, ineffective, and generally ends up costing you both time and money. The best way to eliminate an Asian lady beetle infestation is by getting help from a professional. If you need help getting rid of Asian lady beetles in your home, contact All-American Pest Control today.

How Do I Prevent An Asian Lady Beetle Infestation?

Preventing Asian lady beetles can be difficult, but there are a few things that you can do around your home to prevent them. Some helpful prevention tips for Asian lady beetles include:

  • Caulking gaps that are found around exterior doors and windows

  • Making sure that screens are completely intact

  • Inspecting your home’s foundation to make sure that any cracks and crevices are sealed

  • Vacuuming up the Asian lady beetles you find in your house and immediately removing the vacuum bag when you’re done

If this still doesn’t take care of the problem, professional pest control from All-American Pest Control will eliminate your infestation.

Why Choose All-American Pest Control?

With over 60 years of experience, we know the time, effort, and commitment it takes to solve your Asian lady beetle problem. With All-American Pest Control, you’ll receive services, a serious commitment, and thorough treatments from our trained experts.

Our year-round home pest control provides the preventative treatments needed to keep Asian lady beetles out of your house. The Perimeter Plus plan provides quarterly services that include an exterior preventative application to keep Asian lady beetles and over 47 other pests out of your house.

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