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As we approach our nation's most patriotic holiday, there are some pests that will begin to cause trouble in our Lebanon yards. All of them can be found on our Top 10 Most Hated Nashville Pests list. They are mosquitoes, wasps, ants, and flies. Let's discuss some pest-free summer party tips that can protect your 4th of July fun from curious insects.


Cookouts lure wasps in because these insects search for sources of protein to bring back and feed to the larvae in their nests. They can get on meats that are sitting out and they can take a sip from sugary drinks. Make sure to keep your food in sealed containers until you're ready to cook them and never leave a sweet drink unattended. You may even want to consider putting your drinks in containers that have a cover.


We have many ant species in Lebanon and all of them have the potential to show up at an outdoor cookout. When they get into food or exposed drinks, they can contaminate them. If you intend to eat on a picnic table, you can put containers under the picnic table legs and fill them with water to prevent ants from climbing up.


The common housefly is capable of transmitting at least 65 diseases to humans. When they land on your food, it is more than just irritating. It can make you sick. Make sure all exterior trash is in containers that have a good cover and make sure to immediately dispose of your paper or plastic plates when you're done eating.


Nothing can ruin a cookout faster than a swarm of mosquitoes. If you don't have mosquito-reduction service for your home, you're going to have a hard time preventing mosquito bites. Candles and torches don't help much. The best way to reduce bites without professional service is to get rid of standing water in your yard and reduce conditions of moisture in vegetation before your outdoor even. If you still have a lot of mosquitoes on the 4th, you may need to use a screened-in area to prevent bites.

The best way to prepare for outdoor fun in your backyard is with our All-For-One Complete Care program which includes mosquito reduction. When you have routine visits from one of our licensed Lebanon pest control professionals, your yard is going to have the protection it needs to reduce insect activity. Having fewer insects in your yard will make the tips we've shared today more effective. Reach out to us and request a free inspection to get started.

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