4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1127 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1127 Reviews

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Good Bugs/Bad Bugs

Good Bugs & Bad Bugs

good bug bad bug coloring pageAlthough some of our customers may disagree, there IS such a thing as a good bug. But, like I tell my 5 year old, most bugs are both good and bad. All-American team members visit schools and pre-schools regularly to share how the bugs we find everyday serve a purpose - even though they can sometimes hurt us. We bring pictures, coloring pages, bugs and damaged items (even a book eaten by termites) to foster an interactive, hands-on learning experience.

If you would like someone from our team to visit your school, reach out and let us know! My email is Erin@allamericanpestcontrol.com

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