4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1231 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1231 Reviews

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A message from Dave Ramsey

Folks, when you live in middle Tennessee, there’s no doubt about it, you need year-round pest control! That’s why it’s so important to make sure All American Pest Control is a line item in your budget. The reality is pests aren’t just an irritation, they can present serious threats to your family and home. Termites and carpenter ants eat away at your equity from the inside out. Ticks, mosquitoes and mice spread disease. And, ants… I hate ants… are just about the most persistent pest we have here. It just makes sense to invest in prevention before these pests cause damage to your home and family! The best solution for guarding a home against pest threats is to call my friends At All-American Pest Control. Their All-For-One Advantage Program- keeps you safe year round! Each visit from your All-American professional includes targeted applications to prevent these unwanted pests. Get the peace of mind you need.


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Home Pest Control + Mosquito

In Nashville, homeowners call on All-American Pest Control to keep their home pest-free. This is not a simple task. Each season in middle Tennessee brings out new bugs to battle.

Our Perimeter PLUS Pest Control program is designed to keep all bugs out of your home with a 1-2-3- Guaranteed! approach.

Step 1: Spiders Beware Our first trip around your home each visit is to make an inspection and remove spider webs that we can reach

Step 2: Stop Pests Before They Get Inside Our second trip around your home each quarter includes a perimeter application with traditional materials and/or a granule band to stop pests before they get inside.

Step 3: Misting Applications Our third trip around your home is to mist your landscaping, under decks and tree canopies close to your home. This misting application targets outdoor flying pests like mosquitoes, spiders in your landscaping, wasps, boxelder bugs, stink bugs and Asian lady beetles.

Guaranteed!  As long as you are on the program, if you have a pest problem on the inside of your home - call for an appointment- there will be no additional charge for additional services on the inside of your home for covered pests.


STARTING AT $39/month

Call Today (615) 209-9929 or Start Today


Pest Control + Mosquito + Termites

Termites cause nearly 5 billion dollars in damages each and every year across the United States. Preventative protection is essential. With All-American’s All-For-One Advantage Pest Control Program, you can bundle home pest control + mosquito misting + termite protection with the Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination System and save over $300. With this service you get…

  • Outdoor spider web removal
  • Quarterly Perimeter Pest Control
  • Misting for outdoor pests including mosquitoes, wasps, Asian lady beetles, and carpenter bees
  • If indoor pest return, so do we for no additional charge
  • Installation and monitoring of the Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System
  • 9 out of 10 homes qualify for our $1,000,000 Termite Damage Repair Agreement


STARTING AT $59/month

Call Today (615) 209-9929 or Start Today


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or call/text us directly (615) 824-8814

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